
Vladimír Brabec/Eduard Cupák - 搜索结果

歌名 歌手 操作
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 8. Act 4 - Scene One: I fancy we have reached itJaroslav Krombholc/Zdenek Fibich下载
The Atonement of Tantalus. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 32, .: Act 1 - Scene Two: Hail, bright sun of my fatherlandBrno Philharmonic Orchestra/Frantisek Jilek下载
Hippodamia´s Death, Op. 33, .: Act 3 - Scene Two: Good day, my sovereign!Brno Philharmonic Orchestra/Frantisek Jilek下载
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 2. Act 1 - Scene One: Not one step further!Jaroslav Krombholc/Zdenek Fibich下载
The Atonement of Tantalus. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 32, Act 1 - Scene Two: Hail, bright sun of my fatherlandZdenek Fibich/Frantisek Jilek下载
Hippodamia´s Death. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 33, 3. Act 3 - Scene Two: Good day, my sovereign!Zdenek Fibich/Frantisek Jilek下载
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 1. Act 1 - IntroductionJaroslav Krombholc/Jaroslava Adamová下载
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 5. Act 1 - Scene Five: High time we made a moveJaroslav Krombholc/Zdenek Fibich下载
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 3. Act 1 - Scene Two and Three: Stand back, strangers!Jaroslav Krombholc/Zdenek Fibich下载
Hippodamia´s Death. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 33, 9. Act 2 - IntroductionVladimír Brabec/Eduard Cupák下载
Hippodamia´s Death. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 33, 9. Act 4 - IntroductionVladimír Brabec/Eduard Cupák下载
Hippodamia´s Death. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 33, 1. Act 3 - IntroductionVladimír Brabec/Eduard Cupák下载
Hippodamia´s Death. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 33, 3. Act 1 - Scene Four: MarchVladimír Brabec/Eduard Cupák下载
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 7. Act 4 - IntroductionJaroslav Krombholc/Jaroslava Adamová下载
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 1. Act 3 - IntroductionJaroslav Krombholc/Jaroslava Adamová下载
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 6. Act 1 - Scene Six: Hist, quiet! Stand up - now´d you see?Zdenek Fibich/Jaroslav Krombholc下载
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 7. Act 2 - IntroductionJaroslava Adamová/Rudolf Hrušínský下载
The Courtship of Pelops. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 31, 4. Act - Scene Four: Hurrah! Hurrah!Kühn Mixed Choir/Zdenek Fibich下载
The Atonement of Tantalus. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 32, Act 3 - IntroductionVladimír Brabec/Jaroslava Adamová下载
The Atonement of Tantalus. A stage melodrama in 4 acts, Op. 32, Act 1 - IntroductionVladimír Brabec/Jaroslava Adamová下载