
Schola Cantorum Coloniensis/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte - 搜索结果

歌名 歌手 操作
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Prolog, Lectio Isaiae Prophetae (60, 1-6)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Rosary, Transition 3:Salve Regina (Antiphona Simplex, Gregorian)Albert Richenhagen/Dipl.-Ing. Prof. Dr. Dieter Braun下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Magnificat-Antiphon, Tribus miraculis (Gregorian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Responsorium prolixum, Illuminare Ierusalem (Gregorian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Transitorium, Hodie caelesti sponso (Ambrosian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Antiphon, Hodie nobis Beata illuxit (Gregorian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Ingressa, Civitas non eget sole (Ambrosian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries - I. Offertorium Ave Maria, gratia plenaSchola Cantorum Coloniensis下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Hymnus, Hostis Herodes impie (Gregorian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Rosary, Conclusion:Solis, o Virgo (Hymnus, Gregorian)Albert Richenhagen/Dipl.-Ing. Prof. Dr. Dieter Braun下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Antiphon with Psalm 71, Stella ista (v.10-13, 18f)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 5. Communio, Factus est repente (Gregorian)Albert Richenhagen/Dipl.-Ing. Prof. Dr. Dieter Braun下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Introitus, Ecce advenit (Gregorian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Graduale, Omnes de Saba venient (Gregorian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Rosary, Conclusion:Ave nobilis (Carmen Buranum, Gregorian)Albert Richenhagen/Dipl.-Ing. Prof. Dr. Dieter Braun下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Communio with Psalm 71 (V.1-3, 7), Vidimus stellam eiusAndreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Gloria im tonus festivus, Gloria (Ambrosian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 1. Introitus, Resurrexi (Gregorian)Albert Richenhagen/Dipl.-Ing. Prof. Dr. Dieter Braun下载
Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Hallelujah, Puer natus est nobis (Ambrosian)Andreas Priemer (Sdr)/Dr. Gabriel Maria Steinschulte下载
Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 1. Communio, Pater, si non potest hic calix transire (Gregorian)Albert Richenhagen/Dipl.-Ing. Prof. Dr. Dieter Braun下载