
Prager Chamber Choir/Cologne West German Radio Chorus - 搜索结果

歌名 歌手 操作
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Kdo onen muz, jejz nestih's nebe blesk? (What man is this whom lightening will not fell?) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Introduction: Tmy vratily se v skryse skal a lesu (The dusk departs to gloomy caves and forests) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Co bude nyni? (What will befall us, in the time approaching?) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: Introduction: Hospodine, pomiluj ny! (Mighty Lord, have mercy on us!) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Svate jitro jest (Holy dawn and holy night) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Ky v pozadi to hluk? (What causes all that noise?) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Vzdyt bozi s nami jsou, kam bludny krok se sine (The gods are close at hand, where'er we stray and falter) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: O neklamu se, chapu juz (I think, the truth I now infer) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: Nuz pokleknete pred biskupem oba (So both of you will kneel before Methodius) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Kvety, jimiz Vesna vabi (Blossoms, with which Spring allures us) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Trihav, ktery patri troji tvari (Triglaw, thou with three-fold countenance) (Chorus)Prager Chamber Choir/Cologne West German Radio Chorus下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Vse lame se a borti v chaos tmavy (Now everything is crumbling, all is chaos) (Chorus)Prager Chamber Choir/Cologne West German Radio Chorus下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Slys nase pisne horouci a vrouci (Here when we sing our psalm) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: O vizte, knize nas vrha se na kolena (Oh, look there, see our Prince upon his knees) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: O beda, nechce slyset jeho lkani! (Oh, heavens! She'll not listen to his pleading!) (Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: Panno, matko stvoritele (Virgin mother of our Saviour) (Alto, Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Michelle Breedt下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: O jaky obraz oku memu se v stinu lesnim otvira! (Oh, what a sight there in the shadows, and one that causes me to fear!) (Tenor, Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Piotr Beczala下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Aria: Do prachu s vami! Jeden jest Buh! (Now kiss the dust all! One God there is!) (Bass, Chorus)Ludek Vele/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: O znete, pisne, znete k nebes bani (Now let the heavens echo with our anthem) (Alto, Bass, Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Michelle Breedt下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: Duchu svaty, sestup v nachu (Holy Ghost in royal purple) (Bass, Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Ludek Vele下载