
Ludek Vele/Cologne West German Radio Symphony Orchestra - 搜索结果

歌名 歌手 操作
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Recitative: Vstup v nitro sve, mym domem neni zeme (Upon this earth thy search would be a vain quest) (Bass)Gerd Albrecht/Ludek Vele下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: Recitative: Ja bludne duse svetlu vracim (I led the lost souls out of darkness) (Bass)Ludek Vele/Cologne West German Radio Symphony Orchestra下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: Aria: Ja neklamal se, bud vitana, dcero! (No error made, I welcome you, daughter!) (Bass)Gerd Albrecht/Ludek Vele下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: Aria: Nuz tedy vez a pojmi v srdce svoje (First you should learn) (Bass)Gerd Albrecht/Ludek Vele下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part I: Aria: Do prachu s vami! Jeden jest Buh! (Now kiss the dust all! One God there is!) (Bass, Chorus)Ludek Vele/Prager Chamber Choir下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: Recitative: U cile stojim snahy sve a tuzby (Here on the threshold of my aspirations) (Soprano, Bass)Gerd Albrecht/Livia Aghova下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: O znete, pisne, znete k nebes bani (Now let the heavens echo with our anthem) (Alto, Bass, Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Michelle Breedt下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: Duchu svaty, sestup v nachu (Holy Ghost in royal purple) (Bass, Chorus)Gerd Albrecht/Ludek Vele下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: Recitative: Nuz pristupte, mnou vire vyuceni (Come forward all to whom I've taught the new creed!) (Tenor, Bass)Gerd Albrecht/Piotr Beczala下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: Recitative: Jak z krasneho snu nahle procitly (I rudely awake from a perfect dream) (Tenor, Bass)Gerd Albrecht/Piotr Beczala下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: Recitative: Ach, ona, po niz srdce moje prahne (Ah, it is she for whom my heart is yearning) (Tenor, Bass)Gerd Albrecht/Piotr Beczala下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: Trio: Tam Kristuv kriz! (Behold Christ's Cross!) (Soprano, Alto, Bass)Livia Aghova/Michelle Breedt下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: Ja hledala jsem zari toho jitra (For this new shining dawn I am now searching) (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Chorus)Livia Aghova/Michelle Breedt下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part III: Hospodine, pomiluj ny! (Mighty Lord, have mercy on us!) (Soprano, Alto, Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Bass, Chorus)Livia Aghova/Michelle Breedt下载
Svata Ludmila (St. Ludmilla), Op. 71, B. 144:Part II: Vesele hvozdem, vesele polem (Gaily we pass through field and through forest) (Soprano, Alto, Bass, Chorus)Livia Aghova/Michelle Breedt下载