
Konrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren - 搜索结果

歌名 歌手 操作
Ut queant laxisKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Kyrie eleisonKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Kyrie - Rex aeternoKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Laeta quies magni ducisKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Repleatur os meum laude tuaKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Magnificat anima mea DominumKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Kyrie - Rex aeterno (Kyrie trope of the Missa De Angelis) (Voice)Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren/Konrad Ruhland下载
Gloria in excelsis Deo (Movement of an Ambrosian mass) (Voice)Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren/Konrad Ruhland下载
Regem regum Dominum - Venite exsultemusKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Gloria in excelsis DeoKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Pacem relinquo vobis - Laudate Dominum omnes gentesKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Tua est potentiaKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Veni sancte SpritusKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Ecce iam noctisKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Da pacem Domine in diebus nostrisKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Salve regina misericordiaeKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Salve festa diesKonrad Ruhland/Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren下载
Magnificat anima mea Dominum (Antiphon and canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary) (Voice)Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren/Konrad Ruhland下载
Salve regina misericordiae (Marian antiphon and trope) (Voice)Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren/Konrad Ruhland下载
Regem regum Dominum - Venite exsultemus (Invitatory on the Feast of All Saints) (Psalm 94) (Voice)Choralschola of the Niederaltaicher Scholaren/Konrad Ruhland下载