
Heather Harper/Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden - 搜索结果

歌名 歌手 操作
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 2:Glitter of wavesHeather Harper/Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 2:Let this be a holidayJon Vickers/Heather Harper下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 2:This unrelenting workJon Vickers/Heather Harper下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 3:Peter we've come to take you homeJon Vickers/Heather Harper下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Prologue:The truth...the pity...Jon Vickers/Heather Harper下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 3:Embroidery in childhoodHeather Harper/Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 1:I have to go from pub to pubHeather Harper/Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 3:Come along Doctor!Heather Harper/Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 2:People!...No! I will speak!Heather Harper/Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 2:From the gutterHeather Harper/Teresa Cahill下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 1:Let her among youHeather Harper/Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 2:We planned that their livesOrchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden/Patricia Payne下载
Peter Grimes Op.33 / Act 1:Old Joe has gone fishingJon Vickers/Heather Harper下载
Die Jahreszeiten - Hob. XXI:3 / 1. Spring:Introduction - Behold where surly winter fliesHeather Harper/Ryland Davies下载
Die Jahreszeiten - Hob. XXI:3 / 1. Spring:Spring, her lovely charms unfoldingHeather Harper/Ryland Davies下载
Comfort Ye My PeopleJohn Pritchard/Richard Lewis下载
Die Jahreszeiten - Hob. XXI:3 / 1. Spring:Come, gentle springBBC Chorus/BBC Symphony Orchestra下载
Die Jahreszeiten - Hob. XXI:3 / 1. Spring:With joy th'impatient husbandmanJohn Shirley-Quirk/BBC Symphony Orchestra下载
Air:Every Valley Shall Be ExaltedJohn Pritchard/Richard Lewis下载
Die Jahreszeiten - Hob. XXI:3 / 1. Spring:Be propitiousHeather Harper/Ryland Davies下载