
David Shaw-Parker/Not Applicable - 搜索结果

歌名 歌手 操作
Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?David Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 1: From fairest creatures we desire increaseDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 2: When forty winters shall beseige thy browDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 11: As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou growestDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 9: Is it for fear to wet a widow's eyeDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 8: Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly?David Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 16: But wherefore do not you a mightier wayDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 28: How can I then return in happy plightDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 5: Those hours, that with gentle work did frameDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 12: When I do count the clock that tells the timeDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 6: Then let not winter's ragged hand defaceDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 42: That thou hast her, it is not all my griefDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 3: Look in thy glass, and tell the face thou viewestDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 13: O, that you were yourself! but, love, you areDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 10: For shame! deny that thou bear'st love to anyDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 25: Let those who are in favour with their starsDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 17: Who will believe my verse in time to comeDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 23: As an unperfect actor on the stageDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 22: My glass shall not persuade me I am oldDavid Shaw-Parker下载
Sonnet 20: A woman's face with Nature's own hand paintedDavid Shaw-Parker下载