
Christ Church Catherdral Choir/John Taverner - 搜索结果

歌名 歌手 操作
Missa Mater Christi: GloriaChrist Church Catherdral Choir/John Taverner下载
Missa Mater Christi: CredoChrist Church Catherdral Choir/John Taverner下载
Missa Mater Christi: Agnus DeiChrist Church Catherdral Choir/John Taverner下载
Missa Mater Christi: Kyrie - Rex splendensChrist Church Catherdral Choir/John Taverner下载
Missa Mater Christi: Santus BenedictusChrist Church Catherdral Choir/John Taverner下载
When David HeardChrist Church Catherdral Choir/Thomas Weelkes下载
Missa Mater Christi: Alleluya, Ave Maria - Alleluya, Christus resurgensChrist Church Catherdral Choir/John Taverner下载
Gloria in Excelsis DeoChrist Church Catherdral Choir/Thomas Weelkes下载
Hosanna to the Son of DavidChrist Church Catherdral Choir/Thomas Weelkes下载
Give the King Thy JudgementsChrist Church Catherdral Choir/Thomas Weelkes下载
The Lord's PrayerJohn Sheppard/Christ Church Cathedral Choir下载
Missa Qual donna: KyrieChrist Church Catherdral Choir/Orlande De Lassus下载
Three Shakespeare Songs: Over Hill, Over DaleChrist Church Cathedral Choir/Ralph Vaughan Williams下载
Gloria, RV. 588: Et In Terra PaxAntonio Vivaldi/Christ Church Cathedral Choir下载
Cipriano de Rore: Madrigual: Quai donnaChrist Church Catherdral Choir/Orlande De Lassus下载
Missa Mater Christi: Introitus - Rorate coeli desuperChrist Church Catherdral Choir/John Taverner下载
Alleluia, I Heard a VoiceChrist Church Catherdral Choir/Thomas Weelkes下载
Three Shakespeare Songs: Full Fathom FiveChrist Church Cathedral Choir/Ralph Vaughan Williams下载
Antiphon: Mater Christi sanctissimaChrist Church Catherdral Choir/John Taverner下载
Give Ear, O LordChrist Church Catherdral Choir/Thomas Weelkes下载