
山手线“车内 自动放送”内回り 新宿~代々木~原宿 - JR東日本.mp3

山手线“车内 自动放送”内回り 新宿~代々木~原宿 - JR東日本.mp3
[00:00.30]この電車は山手線内回り 渋谷~...
[00:00.30]この電車は山手線内回り 渋谷~品川方面行きです
[00:18.92]This is Yamanote Line Train bound for Shibuya and Shinagawa
[00:24.78]The next station is Yoyogi
[00:27.45]The doors on the left side will open
[00:30.46]Please change here for the Oedo Subway Line
[00:47.15]The next station is Harajuku
[00:49.83]The doors on the right side will open
[00:52.65]Please change here for the Chiyoda Subway Line