
电子羊(1人3役) - 阿两.mp3

电子羊(1人3役) - 阿两.mp3
[00:17.080]When I can catch that bio sheep
[00:23.860]When I can let that sheep grab ay
[00:32.060]天气很差心情节节败 退
[00:47.070]I have no mouth but I still wanna scream
[00:50.910]I am like a mouse though I don’t wanna get into cats stomach casually ay
[00:54.530]【少年&少女】呼吸 我来到这片街道
[00:56.210]雾气 是工业的毒药
[00:57.930]I aint got drunk
[01:00.970]My feelings got fake
[01:06.055]和那梦不到的 电子羊相见
[01:12.009]When I can catch that bio sheep
[01:18.930]When I can let that sheep grab ay
[01:26.670]When I can let that sheep grab ay
[01:32.587]When I can catch that bio sheep
[01:39.259]When I can let that sheep grab ay
[01:47.660]只能低头看着洒落的营养液 诶
[01:54.460]身体像是八百吨的负重 error
[01:56.440]【少女】I got riches in my mind
[01:57.816]I got nothing in my mind
[01:59.240]I got pleasure sorrow anger joys passions in my mind
[02:02.540]【少年】Nobody cares
[02:03.380]【少女】停留 都是无谓的挣扎
[02:07.900]希望电子羊不会嫌弃我的邋遢 诶
[02:13.669]When I can catch that bio sheep
[02:20.370]When I can let that sheep grab ay
[02:27.289]When I can catch that bio sheep
[02:34.229]When I can let that sheep grab ay
[02:41.060]When I can let that sheep grab ay