[00:01.53]Amazing grace,[00:07.42]how sweet the sound[00:12.71]That saved a wretch like me.[00:23.93]I once was lost,[00:29.72]but now I'm found.[00:35.12]Was blind, but now I see.[00:46.22]'Twas grace that taught my heart to feel[00:57.40]And grace my fears relieved.[01:07.93]How precious did that grace appear[01:18.72]The hour I first believed.[01:29.54]through many dangers, toils and snares[01:40.16]we have already come[01:50.39]t'was grace that brought us safe thus far[02:01.57]and grace will lead us home.[02:11.68]when we've been there ten thousand years[02:22.82]bright shining as the sun;[02:33.27]we've no less days to sing god's praise[02:44.05]than when we first begun.[02:55.33]Amazing grace,[03:01.29]how sweet the sound[03:06.85]That saved a wretch like me.[03:19.04]I once was lost,[03:24.75]but now I'm found.[03:30.70]Was blind, but now I see.[03:47.58]