
行者 - 小毕摩乐队.lrc

[00:00.000] 编曲 : 小毕摩乐队
[00:09.965]作词Lyricist:曲莫友呷Qumo 俄木阿鸿Ahong
[00:11.934]作曲Composer:曲莫友呷 Qumo
[00:13.788]演唱Singer:小毕摩乐队The Little BIMO
[00:15.622]编曲Arranger:小毕摩乐队The Little BIMO
[00:31.335]ꉠꉌꃀꁧꄩꈴ ꉠꑭꁘꁧꑭꊰ我志在千里 而脚步沉重I am ambitious, but my feet are heavy
[00:39.009]ꉠꉪꐨꐝꍠꀕ ꉠꉪꐨꆳꌌꁏ我梦想纯洁 而现实残酷My dream is pure, but the reality is cruel
[00:46.614]ꆳꐊꇁꉐꐊꁧ ꉠꐰꇗꎭꈓꇊ这一路风雨 我的命运呀Wind and storm all the way, and my future is...
[00:54.336]ꇉꅶꒊꊙꐂꃅꐂꀐ如湍流般汹涌Surging like waves
[00:58.204]ꏦꏪꇓꁨꄓꃅꄓꀐ如滚石般翻滚Roling like a rolling stone
[01:02.208]ꇉꅶꒊꊙꐂꃅꐂꀐ如湍流般汹涌Surging like waves
[01:06.130]ꏦꏪꇓꁨ...ꀋ如滚石般......Roling like a...
[01:25.327]ꈝꃀꏢꈍꄮꐞ ꒈꌺꏢꈍꄮꑟ道路何处岔 溪流何时汇Where will the road diverge and when will the stream converge
[01:32.992]ꁭꅐꈴꁮꐚꑟ ꉠꑞꅉꇿꇬꐛ从东走到西 何处是归宿From east to west, where is my destination
[01:40.632]ꌋꐓꄮꀀꐛꇁ ꃅꄜꄮꀄꂼꇁ我夜不能寐 我昼不能安I can't sleep and i can't rest
[01:48.415]ꃅꃴꃅꏸꋍꑋꑍ夜空繁星璀璨The sky is full of bright stars
[01:52.306]ꉠꃤꋍꂷꇫꐊꀕ我的北斗何在But where is my Big Dipper
[01:56.338]ꃅꃴꃅꏸꋍꑋꑍ夜空繁星璀璨The sky is full of bright stars
[01:59.882]ꉠꃤꋍꂷ.....我的北斗......But where is my...
[02:19.571]ꁧꇁꇉꄩꈴꇁ翻山越岭Tramp over hill and dale
[02:38.924]ꑬꒃꈝꃀꍬꇁ脚步凌乱Messy footsteps
[02:42.562]ꆺꇢꅉꎴꁧꃲ故乡渐远Hometown is getting far away
[02:46.421]ꀉꂿꑓꁴꊰꇁ母亲泪流Mother cries yearning tears
[02:50.236]ꁬꇁꆰꌺꃨꇁ春花又开Spring flowers blooming
[02:54.099]ꌩꑭꁯꎓꇖꇁ夏蝉又鸣Summer cicadas singing
[02:57.903]ꐦꐛꆿꍯꏂꇁꃲ秋叶又黄Autumn leaves wither and yellow
[03:01.738]ꈝꃀꋍꎳꎵꀐ前路漫漫The journey is still so long
[03:05.623]ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꁧꇁꇉꄩꈴꇁꃲ哦啊呀 风尘仆仆的行者Oh, ah, dusty dream-seeker
[03:13.365]ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꆀꇁꉷꃅꏹꇁꃲ哦啊呀 孤独漂泊的行者Oh, ah, lonely dream-seeker
[03:21.093]ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꉌꃀꉪꅉꀋꑟꌦ哦啊呀 心愿未了的行者Oh, ah, dream-seeker whose dream is unfulfilled
[03:28.814]ꀒ...ꉐ...哦啊呀啊Oh, ah……
[04:06.760]ꀋꁦꀑꌩꏾꊰꇁ谁在山顶呼唤Who calls from the mountaintop
[04:08.560]ꁦꀑꌩꃨꀕꇁ谁在四季守望Who keeps watch in all seasons
[04:10.673]ꁦꀑꄂꐎꆳꌌꁏ谁在梦里等待着Who is waiting in the dream
[04:14.373]ꄁꌺꉌꃀꁏꇁ任那寒风狂乱Let the cold wind rage
[04:15.974]ꄁꌺꉌꃀꃰꇁ任那思绪忧伤 Let the thoughts be sad
[04:17.863]ꄁꌺꉌꃀꆳꐊꁧꀐ可誓言不曾被吹散But the oath has never been blown away
[04:21.950]ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꁧꇁꇉꄩꈴꇁꃲ哦啊呀 风尘仆仆的行者Oh, ah, dusty dream-seeker
[04:29.849]ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꆀꇁꉷꃅꏹꇁꃲ哦啊呀 孤独漂泊的行者Oh, ah, lonely dream-seeker
[04:37.408]ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꉌꃀꉪꅉꀋꑟꌦ哦啊呀 心愿未了的行者Oh, ah, dream-seeker whose dream is unfulfilled
[04:50.878]ꀒ...ꉐ...哦啊呀啊Oh, ah……
编曲 : 小毕摩乐队
作词Lyricist:曲莫友呷Qumo 俄木阿鸿Ahong
作曲Composer:曲莫友呷 Qumo
演唱Singer:小毕摩乐队The Little BIMO
编曲Arranger:小毕摩乐队The Little BIMO
ꉠꉌꃀꁧꄩꈴ ꉠꑭꁘꁧꑭꊰ我志在千里 而脚步沉重I am ambitious, but my feet are heavy
ꉠꉪꐨꐝꍠꀕ ꉠꉪꐨꆳꌌꁏ我梦想纯洁 而现实残酷My dream is pure, but the reality is cruel
ꆳꐊꇁꉐꐊꁧ ꉠꐰꇗꎭꈓꇊ这一路风雨 我的命运呀Wind and storm all the way, and my future is...
ꇉꅶꒊꊙꐂꃅꐂꀐ如湍流般汹涌Surging like waves
ꏦꏪꇓꁨꄓꃅꄓꀐ如滚石般翻滚Roling like a rolling stone
ꇉꅶꒊꊙꐂꃅꐂꀐ如湍流般汹涌Surging like waves
ꏦꏪꇓꁨ...ꀋ如滚石般......Roling like a...
ꈝꃀꏢꈍꄮꐞ ꒈꌺꏢꈍꄮꑟ道路何处岔 溪流何时汇Where will the road diverge and when will the stream converge
ꁭꅐꈴꁮꐚꑟ ꉠꑞꅉꇿꇬꐛ从东走到西 何处是归宿From east to west, where is my destination
ꌋꐓꄮꀀꐛꇁ ꃅꄜꄮꀄꂼꇁ我夜不能寐 我昼不能安I can't sleep and i can't rest
ꃅꃴꃅꏸꋍꑋꑍ夜空繁星璀璨The sky is full of bright stars
ꉠꃤꋍꂷꇫꐊꀕ我的北斗何在But where is my Big Dipper
ꃅꃴꃅꏸꋍꑋꑍ夜空繁星璀璨The sky is full of bright stars
ꉠꃤꋍꂷ.....我的北斗......But where is my...
ꁧꇁꇉꄩꈴꇁ翻山越岭Tramp over hill and dale
ꑬꒃꈝꃀꍬꇁ脚步凌乱Messy footsteps
ꆺꇢꅉꎴꁧꃲ故乡渐远Hometown is getting far away
ꀉꂿꑓꁴꊰꇁ母亲泪流Mother cries yearning tears
ꁬꇁꆰꌺꃨꇁ春花又开Spring flowers blooming
ꌩꑭꁯꎓꇖꇁ夏蝉又鸣Summer cicadas singing
ꐦꐛꆿꍯꏂꇁꃲ秋叶又黄Autumn leaves wither and yellow
ꈝꃀꋍꎳꎵꀐ前路漫漫The journey is still so long
ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꁧꇁꇉꄩꈴꇁꃲ哦啊呀 风尘仆仆的行者Oh, ah, dusty dream-seeker
ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꆀꇁꉷꃅꏹꇁꃲ哦啊呀 孤独漂泊的行者Oh, ah, lonely dream-seeker
ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꉌꃀꉪꅉꀋꑟꌦ哦啊呀 心愿未了的行者Oh, ah, dream-seeker whose dream is unfulfilled
ꀒ...ꉐ...哦啊呀啊Oh, ah……
ꀋꁦꀑꌩꏾꊰꇁ谁在山顶呼唤Who calls from the mountaintop
ꁦꀑꌩꃨꀕꇁ谁在四季守望Who keeps watch in all seasons
ꁦꀑꄂꐎꆳꌌꁏ谁在梦里等待着Who is waiting in the dream
ꄁꌺꉌꃀꁏꇁ任那寒风狂乱Let the cold wind rage
ꄁꌺꉌꃀꃰꇁ任那思绪忧伤 Let the thoughts be sad
ꄁꌺꉌꃀꆳꐊꁧꀐ可誓言不曾被吹散But the oath has never been blown away
ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꁧꇁꇉꄩꈴꇁꃲ哦啊呀 风尘仆仆的行者Oh, ah, dusty dream-seeker
ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꆀꇁꉷꃅꏹꇁꃲ哦啊呀 孤独漂泊的行者Oh, ah, lonely dream-seeker
ꀒ...ꀊꑷ...ꉌꃀꉪꅉꀋꑟꌦ哦啊呀 心愿未了的行者Oh, ah, dream-seeker whose dream is unfulfilled
ꀒ...ꉐ...哦啊呀啊Oh, ah……